Thursday, October 06, 2005


I was asked to respond to the following question early this year for a gathering of young males:
"What do you know now that you wish you had known when you were 18?"

Here are my thoughts, as passed on for their benefit:

Conversationally: sounds like a good session

Financially: the weekly lottery numbers!

Theoretically: that I would change the world (even my little bit)

Cerebrally: everything I didn't know

Circumstantially: that I was going to blog with you - I would have been so excited and so looking forward to it!

Romantically: what to say to the girl I really liked then

Lustfully: I haven't lost my eye sight but have had a bit of RSI (in the past obviously!)

Theologically: homoousius

Physiologically: to eat less pies

Helpfully: to tell Big Jon to do the same

Belatedly: In him you were also circumcised, in the putting off of the sinful nature, not with a circumcision done by the hands of men but with the circumcision done by Christ. [Colossians 2:11] Ouch! (not really!)

Psychologically: how insecure I was following my early years and adoption

Statistically: that I was birthed not aborted, and to value every day, as I now do since I realised that

Historically: who my parents were - don't take for granted what a blessing that is - for those who don't know.

Categorically: that I would marry a Christian girl who would later decide marriage wasn't for her and walk away

Consequentially: even more insecure

Eternally: still thinking about it

Intrinsically: the tension between being being 'alive' and 'dead' simultaneously (read the book!)

Repeatedly: how Romans 7 rings so true - all things I want to do...all the things I don't want to do.....

Sadly: the profound truths of the parable of the sower and those that are no longer walking in Christ - perhaps I could have done more?

Spiritually: amazing grace

Certainly: that Jesus really is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Athletically: to win the prize.

Influentially: that God really would use me to affect Kingdom change in a church, community, Town Centre, Borough, City

Developmentally: that God has been preparing me in the first half of my life what he will do in the second half.

Actually... I knew next to nothing, compared to the nearly next to nothing that I now know that I don't know, you know?

Briefly: this is all I've go time for.

Lovingly: I hope this helps my younger brothers.

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