Thursday, February 02, 2006

Oddities of the last 48 hours

[1] Architect, building contractor, surveyor, council officers from Planning and Conservation depts.

I have never so clearly failed to connect with an individual in a business meeting as I did yesterday with the last on this list. In my defence, understanding the issues and the statutory requirements, was like nailing jelly to a wall. But this person was cold, unhelpful, specific, vague and contradictory all at the same time. Arghh. Frustration.

I doubt when Jesus said "love your neighbour as yourself" that he had tried to get a extension approved on his bungalow!

[2] Have you ever.....

...walked along a road when everyone coming the other way is staring at you?

What goes through your mind?

Hair - check. Flies - check. Nose - check. Dribble - check. Right?

Happened to me this week..... weird feeling.

P.S. Check out the show STOMP in the West End. Saw it Tuesday night. FAB!

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