Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Do you ever feel, like me, peripheral?


[1] relating to or situated on the periphery, i.e. the edge or boundary. [2] of secondary importance; marginal, of minor relevance. Concerned with the relatively minor, irrelevant, or superficial aspects of the subject in question.

The subject in question might be family, or relationships generally? May be common to those adopted? Or perhaps you feel peripheral in other ways?

Even if I feel that.... is it true? Am I of secondary importance? Of minor relevance or even irrelevant?

No. It's a lie.

It may be the way I have grown up thinking like this, even if in tiny, subtle ways.

Do like me - make a list and note down when it sometimes feels like it's true, and the other times when clearly it is not. Does the list balance? What can you discern? I found that sometimes I may feel like that, but it doesn't mean I am.

Sounds like the bleeding obvious eh? Not for everyone!!!


Anonymous said...

Not sure if you are or not, but you certainly make people feel like that!

Dan said...

Dear Anonymous. In which case I apologise profusely. Dan