Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Greet one another...

...with a brotherly kiss. Says Paul a writer in the New Testament bible. I have just been berated for including a kiss at the end of the last post! Apparently it "looks gay". Why is that so?

When I was in Vietnam in 2001 I was surprised to see guys walking down the street with their arms around one another's shoulders. When I checked this with Han, a local I had got to know, he said that was a simply a sign of friendship. I hear that in parts of the world male friends, similarly, may hold hands.

Walking to the office this morning (by strange coincidence) I followed two male Somalian college students walking so closely together, that I noticed it - there was nothing sexual about it - from the way they engaged in conversation before me, they simply seemed to be sharing, and enjoying, life....

Indeed, I kissed two male friends on the cheek on Saturday night when I met them, as I did their wives. I don't have a problem with this, and neither do the French. It's just fun to challenge the 'norms'!

Is the issue merely a cultural issue, or our preservation of boundaries, or even homophobic... I wonder?

Am I buggin' you? Don't mean to bug ya...


Anonymous said...

Dan, you didn't give me a kiss when we had lunch. Was it something I said??

Dan said...

No, you never asked!