"There's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path"
Morpheus - The Matrix
Have watched the series again, having finally been able to afford the trilogy box set. Fab films.
I have calmed down some since the last post, though Wednesday was a day of misunderstandings, with half a dozen or so people involved. It's amazing the havoc that can be wrought and the angst created when you are operating without all the facts or the whole story. Thankfully the issues were resolved at a subesequent meeting on Wednesday night.
How do you behave in those moments of pressure and stress? Later, do you consider what you might have done differently?
I tend to be analytical and chew things over, imagining the differnet scenarios and outcomes; hypothosising, modelling, picturing; to try to make sense of things.
Trying to walk a wise path through difficult situations without jumping to conclusions, judging someone or something unfairly, being aware of my emotions but striving for objectivity - know what I could do and so trying to do it. What path are you on?
My lad turns 8 tomorrow, but will be with his mum until Sunday, when he comes back for a football party - probably in a blizzard! Have a good weekend guys.
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