Friday, February 24, 2006

And so it came to pass....

that I was indeed crunching a carrot during preparations for dinner! Had a fab time with Ian & Amanda, friends of 12 years. Actually, I think Cirencester is in Gloucestershire but, either way, I wish they lived closer. Level 5 conversations with both, one of which moved me to tears due to the love, care and concern expressed for Ned and I. It was beautiful and painful simultaneously. The downside was the fact that we were sitting outside about 10.30 in freezing temperatures; in a brief snow flurry; sustained by Johnny Walker and a cigar ...ahhh... that's why we were outside - now I remember!

Similarly, on Wednesday night I had dinner with a couple who have known me longer than anyone outside my adopted family (who now barely know me at all). Chris and Lucy - my youth group leaders sufferred me when I was a spotty, pain in the arse, teenager - so they tell me!! At least I have lost the spots!! Again, it was wonderful to talk about the deeper magic and, sadly, the absence of it for each of us at times, and those around us. I'm not sure we made any more sense of life's journey by 11.30 but I feel an incredible bond with them both, who have seen me go through my difficult times, and are heroes to me.

Ned and I had a great time at the weekend dismantling his 2 metre high fort in the garden which, I am hoping, will partly remain (yes...recycling man!) as a pergola. Wonderful time showing him how to saw, mark the wood beforehand, use a hammer, chisel, screws and screwdriver etc etc.

The Dads + Lads program I run starts tomorrow. I retired early to bed last night with a stinking headache, only to rise at 3.45 a.m. to spend an hour and a half preparing for it. Guess it was stressing me!

Looking forward to the weekend then. Meeting good, good mates Sunday night for some accountability and sharing. Little Mary Alice's baptism is on Sunday morning. Football tonight followed by a second 'date' with the lady I met a fortnight ago. Ooh er! Not finding that easy. Been on my own for a while now and know that trust is something I find very difficult. Still, I hope we will have fun conversation as before. She challanged me about my beliefs, which was a tad like facing a firing squad, but a great debate about Christianity nonetheless, and how it relates to real life! Lovin' it, lovin' it.

Talking with the men's group yesterday how I feel at pains that words can be very cheap with regards opinions, attitudes, beliefs and that our visible, tangible integrity speaks volumes. I'm trying to live up to that. The stakes are high. Gotta stand before a group of Dads tomorrow and be vulnerable enough not to appear arrogant that I am somehow a model Dad, yet for them to have confidence that together the course will enrich their lives and relationships. The stakes are high.

And so it came to pass... another week has passed. Another blog. Another thought / wish / prayer... that you... the reader... would know how wide and high and long and deep is the love of God, who loves us so much that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. The price is paid.

1 comment:

Pip Wilson BHP said...

.. great stuff ..... appreciate the real-ness-you-jurney-unique-ness