Thursday, November 03, 2005

For Garry

Mahler - Symphony no 2 - 'Resurrection' - Urlicht and Finale

Oh red rose!
Mankind lies in greatest need!
Mankind lies in greatest pain!
Much rather would I be in Heaven!

Then I came upon a broad path;
Then an angel came and wanted to dismiss me.
Ah no! I would not be dismissed!
I am from God and would go back to God!
Dear God will give me a light,
Will light me to blissful everlasting life!

Chorus and Soprano:
Rise again, yes rise again you will,
my dust, after brief repose!
Immortal life,
Will He who called you grant you.

To bloom again you are sown!
The Lord of the Harvest goes
And gathers the sheaves, even us who died!

O believe, my heart, o believe,
nothing of you will be lost!
What you longed for is yours,
yours what you loved,
what you championed!

O believe, you were not born in vain!
Have not vainly lived and suffered!

What was created, that must pass away!
What passed away, must rise!
Cease to tremble!
Prepare yourself to live!

Soprano and Alto, Chorus
O suffering! You that pierce all things,
From you I am wrested away!
O death! you that overcome all things,
now you are overcome!

With wings that I wrested for myself
in the fervent struggle of love
I shall fly away to the light wither no eye pierced


Die I shall, so as to live!

Rise again you will,
My heart, in a trice!
Your pulsation will carry you to God.


Anonymous said...

Hey Dan, Cheers for doing that....looks top! If poss, his name has a double "R".

Dan said...

Amended, Richard, as requested. Dan