Wednesday, December 14, 2005

View from the hole!

Er hmmm!

Considering R's comments on Monday. Am I stuck up my own arsehole?

I feel that analysis is a part of who I am. Thinking and feeling my way ahead is what comes most naturally to me, and I am not going to deny that side of my character. Can it be unhealthy? Of course, if done to the extreme and without a broader outlook/perspective.

I have been working this year on making the unconscious conscious, realising things I never knew about myself before. Knowledge can bring understanding.

But I want to be a man who is deep as well as wide. This refelctive process is, I think, moving me in that direction. There are no short cuts to maturity. Therefore to chew stuff over and work it through is, for me, healthy. It feels as though it is for a purpose too when people ask me a question and then listen to what I have to say. I haven't sought that in itself, but it is a beautiful bi-product when what I've learnt from my slimy pit (rhyming) experiences can help someone else when they are in theirs. So, this is (literally) the view from the hole!

Am I stuck there? When I have decided to be there alongside a friend. - yes.

Will I get stuck there unintentionally? Well, the journey I am on is to try to prevent that...

Surely life is meant to be about carrying one another? I've needed people to do that for me - Richard you've been one of those in the past.

So perhaps a question for all of us is: "Whose arsehole are you stuck in?
Whose shit are you in just so they don't have to be there on their own?"

Still want to know me? (see "You don't know me" 19/09/05)

1 comment:

Londonboards said...

I think the thing is Dan, we need your opinions and your observations about the bloke stuff . We can all concur or debate from those.

Your thoughts are your thoughts and as Tom says, I'm not really sure that you should share them in this fashion. They are not a reflection of you (as mine aren't of me).

Give me your opinions and observations. We are all blokes and have opinions and observations about being blokes that are useful and helpful to share.

I promise you, you would not want to share my thoughts!