Thursday, October 13, 2005

Acceptance v accomplishment

On Tuesday I was discussing with a small group of friends the stages of our life when either acceptance or accomplishment is more important to us. So, for instance, the first year of life we need acceptance - that our needs be met: food, physical care and love. In the toddler years the instinct to investigate and explore is amazing! The teenage years when puberty hits and we need to know we are loved despite acne, greasy hair and the lack social skills!

And what of later life - we figured the need for acceptance never goes away, but there are periods when we are focused more on what we can accomplish in life. What drives that focus is another matter and could be healthy or otherwise.

We wondered what we might look back on and regret if and when we reach the retirement years?

I named a number of regrets in my Boys2men post below. You?

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