Friday, June 09, 2006

3 Peaks - first anniversary

A year ago this weekend a group of 9 mates and I undertook the Three Peaks Challenge - to climb Ben Nevis, Scarfell Pike & Snowdon in 24 hours or under - supported by 2 guys who drove / cooked for us.

The reason? In 2004 we shared a journey through cancer with a very special lad. Ed, aged 19, died on 22nd January 2005.

We wanted to do something for teenagers who suffer in this way. We aimed to raise £10,000 for the Teenage Cancer Trust - we raised £15,000 - completing the task on 23 hours, 17 minutes.

Tonight we will be celebrating the pleasure, the pain and the comraderie of the Challenge with a curry, and raising a glass of beer in fond memory of our friend, Ed - missed but not forgotten.

You can check out the highs and lows of our 3 peaks by clicking here:



You can spot me sporting shades, a fetching stubble, and (usually) a wide-brimmed hat, or a woolly one with my IQ on it !! :o)

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