Thursday, June 22, 2006

5 more words + 2 more songs

Realised that I am having some backlash from speaking Sunday (and perhaps my blog here on Friday?) - have spent lots of time on the PS2 over last two nights - last being 3am
  1. Escaping
  2. Weary (there's a surprise!)
  3. Numb
  4. Unfocussed
  5. Uneasy

Don't feel entirely downcast as I think about this. Guess it's a short term coping mechanism which has slightly crept up on me, but feels ok to have spotted it. What else might I have done? PS2 is a filthy habit, but there are worse!! It is, or can be, addictive however.

Ned left his current game at his mum's place at the weekend and has decided not to play this week - so far so good - and it's great to see him tuning out of it - he's a better man than me at times!!!

Helpful to blog as the feelings were felt. TTFN x

Oh, and two more beautiful songs:

  • Mabe tomorrow - Stereophonics
  • I want you back for good - Take That

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